
Top 5 Predictions, Will Gold Go Even Higher?

Top 5 Predictions, Will Gold Go Even Higher?

Nearly 30,000 of you have enjoyed our interview with David Hunter, recorded just last Thursday. His ‘conservative’ prediction that gold will reach $3,000 by the end of 2024 seems increasingly likely as the yellow metal continues to hold above $2,500. (If you missed it you can catch up here.) Last week’s speech by Federal Reserve […]
My $3,000 Gold Prediction Is Conservative!

My $3,000 Gold Prediction Is Conservative!

We write to you as we approach the end of another record-breaking week. This was the week, of course, when gold proved its mettle and broke through the $2,500 ceiling. The ceiling is both technical and psychological.  Why did the price push through $2,500? According to both the LBMA and the World Gold Council it is […]
Stock Market Crash Uncovered: What Really Went Down?

Stock Market Crash Uncovered: What Really Went Down?

Last week Biden was asked “What do you want your legacy for Gen Z to be” His reply? “I cured the economy” Less than a week later trading screens around the world were blinking red, with numbers heading one way…south. Equities, bonds and currencies were hit, with only a few assets left untouched. It’s estimated $6.4 […]
Central Banks: How to Invest In Gold For The Long Term?

Central Banks: How to Invest In Gold For The Long Term?

The World Gold Council released their 2024 Central Bank survey, earlier this week. As we know central bank gold demand has been setting new highs in the last couple of years. Last year central banks added 1,037 tonnes of gold – the second highest annual purchase in history – following a record high of 1,082 […]
Why Gold Is Flowing From West To East

Why Gold Is Flowing From West To East

Yesterday silver hit a four-week high and gold continues to hold onto recent gains. Today’s labour market data isn’t sparking significant movement in the gold market. However, it is facing some technical selling pressure as it tests resistance levels slightly below $2,400 per ounce. Yesterday’s  US CPI report presented a scenario that is bullish for […]
Is The Gold Price Too High To Buy? The Train Hasn’t Left The Station!

Is The Gold Price Too High To Buy? The Train Hasn’t Left The Station!

It’s been an interesting week in the markets this week. Action in the Middle East has left much of the world appearing as though they are watching a tennis match with heads going back and forth to see what each side’s response will be. Sadly it appears as though this won’t be a case of […]
David Hunter Called It Last Time, What’s Next?

David Hunter Called It Last Time, What’s Next?

2024 is a new year and that means a new bunch of interviews are coming your way on GoldCore TV. First up we have Contrarian Macro Strategist David Hunter.  Last time David was on the show he made some punchy calls, which were the absolute opposite to what the mainstream was suggesting was going to […]
A 13% Climb For ‘Struggling’ Gold, What Now in 2024?

A 13% Climb For ‘Struggling’ Gold, What Now in 2024?

Happy New Year to you all. This is our first update of 2024. What a way to start a year given gold ended 2023 with its first annual gain in three years, achieving around a 13% climb. Depending on what you read and who you listen to there were three commonly cited reasons as to […]
A skip, a pause, a shift? … What’s next for the Fed?

A skip, a pause, a shift? … What’s next for the Fed?

The Fed did not increase interest rates further this week, but updated projections show the committee has increased how high they expect rates will go this year.  Markets and their participants spend a long time trying to predict the Fed’s and other central banks’ next moves, but when it comes to wealth preservation this isn’t […]
Is Central Banks’ License to Print Money About to Expire?

Is Central Banks’ License to Print Money About to Expire?

One of the biggest reasons for people deciding to buy gold bars or to own silver coins is because of the folly of central banks and government. It seems bizarre to most people that we are all aware that money doesn’t grow on trees and yet those responsible for financial stability have forgotten this basic […]