
Marc Faber Interview 2021: Don’t Sell Your Gold

Marc Faber Interview 2021: Don’t Sell Your Gold

This week on GoldCore TV Dave Russell chats with Dr. Marc Faber, Editor and Publisher of the “Gloom, Boom & Doom Report”. Dr. Faber is well known for his outspoken views and contrarian investment approach. Watch the Video to Learn More Make sure you don’t miss a single episode… Subscribe to our YouTube channel Buy Physical Silver […]
Flash Crash: Gold Markets Poised to Rebound?

Flash Crash: Gold Markets Poised to Rebound?

On today’s episode of GoldCore TV, Louis Gave of GaveKal joins Dave Russell to discuss whether the gold market can rebound quickly after the recent flash crash? Louis also gives his interpretation of the current state of financial markets and his views on central banks’ digital currency and the future of Bitcoin. Watch the Video to Learn […]
How Gold Stacks Up Against Stocks, Property, Commodities and Big Macs!

How Gold Stacks Up Against Stocks, Property, Commodities and Big Macs!

Gold and silver have faced stiff competition for investment dollars. There is little doubt that the cryptocurrency hype at the end of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021 sucked investment away from gold. Some viewed it as a ‘no lose’ investment and others as the next generation alternative to fiat currencies. The sharp decline […]
When will Silver Break Out? Is Triple Digit Silver Still on the Cards?

When will Silver Break Out? Is Triple Digit Silver Still on the Cards?

On today’s episode of GoldCore TV, Patrick Karim of joins Dave Russell for our monthly look at the charts. They discuss the long-term and short-term chart patterns in the gold, stocks, and cryptocurrency markets but mostly they ask the question… What on Earth is going on with silver?? Watch the Video to Learn More […]
Is Gold Still in a Bull Market?

Is Gold Still in a Bull Market?

Today Gareth Soloway, Chief Market Strategist of talks about his technical analysis of gold and silver as well as giving us insights in to the recent moves in Bitcoin and the stock markets. Recent comments from the Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell indicated that they may need to raise rates in 2023 (2 years […]
New Video: Dominic Frisby -Why Now is a Good Time to Buy Gold

New Video: Dominic Frisby -Why Now is a Good Time to Buy Gold

This week’s guest on GoldCore TV is financial writer, author, and comedian Dominic Frisby who joins Dave Russell to discuss financial markets, inflation and why now is gold and silver’s time to shine… Watch the Video to Learn More Make sure you don’t miss a single episode… Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Gold to hit $3,000, […]
Gold to hit $3,000, Bitcoin to $20,000 Chart Warning Signals!

Gold to hit $3,000, Bitcoin to $20,000 Chart Warning Signals!

Today on #GoldCoreTV, Gareth Soloway, Chief Market Strategist of, shares some insightful charts that help to understand the warning signals in #Bitcoin, #Gold, and #Silver markets. Watch the Video to Learn More Make sure you don’t miss a single episode… Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Are Central Banks Targeting your Bitcoin? Watch this Episode to […]
Crypto Vs Central Banks- Let the Battle Begin

Crypto Vs Central Banks- Let the Battle Begin

In today’s episode, Dave Russell of GoldCore TV looks at the actions of central banks, legislators, and regulators and asks… Are Central Banks and Governments now starting to target cryptocurrency investors?  Watch this episode to find out! Watch this Episode to Learn More Make sure you don’t miss a single episode… Subscribe to our YouTube […]
How to Build a Long Term Portfolio: For the Next 10 Years

How to Build a Long Term Portfolio: For the Next 10 Years

In the latest episode of the #Goldnomics Podcast, Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore and Mark O’Byrne of Health Wealth Gold joins Dave Russell to discuss if it is possible to build the #perfectportfolio for the next 10 years? But what are the current megatrends that are emerging and how will it affect your portfolio? How can […]
Max Keiser – Why is Gold in Bitcoin’s Shadow?

Max Keiser – Why is Gold in Bitcoin’s Shadow?

I was delighted to have the opportunity to be interviewed by Max Keiser of The Keiser Report and talk about what’s going on with gold, silver and bitcoin prices so far in 2021. With gold and silver prices dropping while bitcoin rallies, we discuss what impact higher yields will now have on asset markets. We […]