
[GoldCore TV] Should I Buy Gold or Bitcoin?

[GoldCore TV] Should I Buy Gold or Bitcoin?

Should you buy gold or bitcoin? A lot of prospective gold investors are watching the meteoric rise of Bitcoin and fear they are missing out. In today’s video GoldCore CEO Stephen Flood, explains the differing roles that both of these investments play in a well diversified portfolio. And while strong gains have been had in […]
[GoldCore TV] Gold Will Protect Your Portfolio in the Coming Inflationary Decade

[GoldCore TV] Gold Will Protect Your Portfolio in the Coming Inflationary Decade

Inflation has already taken hold and the typical portfolio is at risk, according to Ronni Stoferle of Incrementum and author of the “In Gold We Trust” report. He has just published a special report – “The Boy Who Cried Wolf – Is an Inflationary Decade Ahead?” He joins Dave Russell of GoldCore TV to discuss […]